Asopaf is the parent association. It has an annual and voluntary affiliation per family. Asopaf works together with TCS in areas such as recreation and external conferences.

For more information about Asopaf click here

Health  Services

The Columbus School has a Nurse’s Office for the entire School, with professional staff in charge of the basic care of students and staff.

Columbus Libraries

The Columbus School has two libraries, one for Early Years and Elementary students and one for Middle and High School students. These spaces are designed to foster 21st century skills such as creativity, collaboration, innovation, communication and to promote a love for reading.

Counseling Department

The school has a counseling department made up by psychologists who work with students every day. They have classes with students monthly to talk about topics such as respect for others, relationships, friendships, bullying, among others. Counselors are also in charge of working with students and parents if there are emotional or social problems.

There are 2 counselors for Early Years and 2 counselors for Elementary School, 2 for Middle School, 2 for High School. In addition there is a School Counselor who works with High School students.

Our College Counselor is in charge of helping students with the decision of which career to choose. There are university fairs at the school every year to offer different career options to our students both in Colombia and abroad. These fairs include the CIS Tour, Universities from Australia, Universities in Bogotá and Medellín, among others.

Learning Center

The School has a department with professionals who are always working and helping students who have learning difficulties or who need additional help. It seeks that all students reach their highest level of learning and the School is aware that everyone has different skills. The learning center is there to guide all the students who need it.

Some components of our curricular program are:

  • Authentic learning based on projects supported by:

-Buck Institute Tools

-Systems thinking tools

-Thinking tools design


  • Highly qualified staff who:

-Are involved in continuous professional improvement

-Are supported by instructional coaches

-Can participate in a Master’s degree or courses on the School campus, offered by SUNY Buffalo


  • Learning infrastructure:

– Well-equipped classrooms with a variety of learning tools available for students and teachers.

-Fab Lab and Maker Space


-9 science labs

-Libraries in Elementary and Middle and High School

-Outdoor learning spaces.

-3 coliseums


-Art Gallery


  •  Universal values ​​and support for social and emotional learning

-Character Counts

-Second curriculum step

-Counseling in secondary school

-VIDA – Parent-led lessons on social and emotional learning


  • Co-curricular activities that support real-world challenges and create an impact:

-Tikkun Olam Makers (TOM)

-Model United Nations (MUN)

-Global Issues Network (GIN) and sustainability team

-Destination Imagination (DI)

-Social justice and Equity



The Columbus School Foundation

The Columbus School Foundation is a non-profit organization composed of community members such as students, parents, teachers, administrative staff and alumni. The Foundation has several social programs and projects.

JKS Scholarships: Our mission is to promote access to higher education and ensure its continuity for recent graduates from public educational institutions in the TCS area of influence, as well as children of TCS staff and community members who meet the necessary requirements. We achieve this by leveraging valuable contributions from our strategic allies, actively empowering these individuals to realize their dreams and develop into successful professionals.

Robotics Scholarships: Thanks to the generous support of our strategic allies, we are able to offer students from public schools in our area of influence the opportunity to participate in the FRC TCS robotics program. Through this program, we aim to enhance their knowledge in this rapidly evolving field, which plays a crucial role in our current context and requires a growing number of skilled professionals. Together, we are paving the way for these students to excel in robotics and contribute to tackling future challenges.

Volunteer Program: Our TCS community actively participates in this program, becoming agents of change within the educational context and fostering connections with our local community. By integrating realities and joining forces, we make a meaningful impact.

Solidarity Fund: The Solidarity Fund comes into action when emergencies disrupt the lives of individuals within our community. In such cases, the Foundation serves as a bridge, connecting those affected with individuals who wish to provide assistance, helping them overcome the catastrophe or situation they have faced.

Join Our Higher Purpose through the Following Options!

Recurring Donations: Make a monthly donation starting from 10,000 pesos through automatic debit. It’s a simple and convenient way to support us. ¡Click here!

One-time Donations: Contribute to our programs and projects with a one-time donation. Together, we can achieve great things for our society! ¡Click here!

Purchase of Uniforms: Support higher education by purchasing uniforms, which directly contribute to the education of young people within our area of influence or the children of our General Services staff. BUY UNIFORMS

Be Part of the Friends Foundation: Join our social network and actively contribute through your support, voice, ideas, and experiences. Contact us via email and share your mobile number and preferred way to help us transform lives through education. (Button leading to Foundation’s email address “I want to join!”


We firmly believe in the transformative power of education. In this area, we are dedicated to providing children and young people with quality educational opportunities, enabling them to grow as professionals and explore new fields of knowledge that can truly transform their lives.

Social Capital:

Through our volunteer programs, we actively promote responsible citizenship. Our students, their families, teachers, and staff are committed to making a positive impact on our society, creating more opportunities for children and young people in our community.

We are a non-profit organization operating under the Special Tax Regime. Our ultimate purpose is to “Transform lives through education and foster responsible citizenship.” To fulfill this mission, we focus on two main areas: Education and Social Capital.

For more information about the Foundation contact:

Carolina Cossio Zuluaga
Directora de la Fundación TCS
Teléfono: 604 4033000 Ext. 151
Correo: [email protected] 


Yesenia Rodríguez Peñaranda
Administrative and Financial Analyst
Phone: 604 4033000 Ext. 147
Mail: [email protected]